About Us
Makers Nook is dedicated to helping the millions of people around the world who have DIY in their DNA.
Whether you create for fun, for profit, or as a way to express yourself, you’ll find a range of tips, tutorials, reviews, and resources to help you succeed. If you’re just starting out learning a new hobby our beginner guides and tutorials will have you get creating in no time.
If you’re just looking for craft ideas and inspiration we have you covered too.
We’re a team of passionate craft writers who love to share our experiences from sewing, quilting, and crochet to drawing, papercraft, and just about anything else that involves making something with your own two hands.
Our Team
Our team of makers loves to share their experiences
Emma Brown, Founder
From a young age, I was always happiest when I had the chance to be creative. While my first true passion was drawing, I’ve since become obsessed with sewing, knitting, and embroidery. I especially enjoy making clothes and blankets for my two young children. My dream for Makers Nook is to create a refuge for like-minded makers to learn, share, and be inspired.
Steph Simpson, Editor in Chief
Steph Simpson is a freelance editor, writer, and content manager. She’s managed content for large publications as well as smaller brands and businesses, doing everything from proofreading company blog posts to managing international marketing campaigns. Connect with her over at her blog, or say hi on Twitter: @Stephsimpsonwrites
Lisa Marlin, Writer
Lisa has a long history of environmental activism, from working in the Green politics I first picked up a sewing needle aged 5 and continued my love of crafts into adulthood, when I found sewing, knitting, painting and crafting the perfect antidotes to stressful working environments in the political and charity sectors. Now a full-time freelance writer, my work allows me to travel widely, where I can source unusual fabrics and textiles from other countries and incorporate them into my projects.
Editorial Guidelines
In order to pay our talented writers and cover our operational expenses Makers Nook may use referral links to certain products. We’re always on the lookout for the best craft, hobby, and DIY products from sewing machines to colored pencils. But before we recommend a product to you, it has to go through our thorough research process including:
- Putting physical products to the test
- Combing through hundreds of third-party reviews
- Analyzing manufacturer specifications (with a skeptical eye)
When you click a link to purchase a product we may earn a small referral commission at no extra cost to you. These referral links simply tell the company that you came from MakersNook.com and allow us to earn a living without relying on annoying advertisements. We never accept payment from companies to review products or to change our opinion. From time to time we may receive free products from companies to review, but this will not effect our recommendations.
If you have any questions you can contact us, or refer to our privacy policy for more information about how we monitor the usage of our website.
About Slow Burn Media
Makers Nook is part of Slow Burn Media Pty Ltd, a small digital media company based in Melbourne Australia. Slow Burn Media’s brands help millions of readers a year find answers and inspiration.
Here is an overview of our properties:
Green Coast: Green Coast is a renewable energy and green living website focused on helping you live a more sustainable life. Whether that’s how you can take advantage of renewable energy to help cut down on emissions, or simple tips to live a zero waste lifestyle.
Wandering Cubs: Wandering Cubs is a family travel and lifestyle brand that shares tips and in-depth guides for families traveling with young kids.